Every element of a design matters. It’s that simple. It is important to cultivate an eye for site specific, distinctive detailing.
A beautiful garden starts and finishes with the elements of the design and the elements details. These are not the same, but closely related. The individual voice and personality of the garden is its style. The style is in the elements – great details create a help garden that holds you, makes you feel at home and explains itself.
The best gardens all start with an internal and external focus. This is what creates the ease, the dignity and the elegance of a design layout.
The inspiration for the garden comes from the site, the architecture and the client – all of these pieces must be considered carefully when planning a design. I want people outdoors, in the natural environment. I want to make the magic that draws them out and keeps them there, happier outside than anywhere else. The secret is to discover the essence of the garden the client wants to create as well as the true character of the site. This understanding should then physically, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally infuse every aspect of the garden design and style. Every element can then be designed with a focused simplicity.
In all aspects of our design work, we are working with nature to create an enhanced landscape that has true value for our client’s intimate domestic lives as well as for the environment. It is a balancing act, and we consider this aspect and the future of the landscape very carefully. The landscape is not static and nature is constantly offering opportunities and challenges. Gaining an understanding of how much value is created by carefully selecting each plant and material in your garden will balance the quick initial beauty with longer term satisfying effects brought by growth and establishment. It is key that we are creating points of interest and beauty that shine through in every season. Interesting paving patterns and textured stone, materials with dimensionality, are ideal ways to achieve this goal. Not to be overshadowed by the hardscape, a well thought out planting plan can easily breath life and color into the landscape, even during the “dead” of winter.
The “good bones” of a great garden are always there if you look for them. The elemental right choices are made and the garden vision takes hold, the garden and the home will be in tune with each other and a meaningful relationship will start to develop.